Maximizing Tax Deductions for Charitable Giving

Giving to charity not only benefits the charities but can also benefit the donor because of valuable tax incentives. To fully maximize the tax deductions, you – or your tax planning attorney – must understand the intricacies and strategies of charitable giving and tax law and how they apply to your unique financial situation. The […]

Year-Round Tax Planning: Making Smart Financial Decisions for Optimal Tax Outcomes


The saying “The only things certain in life are death and taxes” holds true, but individuals can exercise control over their financial destinies by adopting smart financial decisions for optimal tax outcomes. Year-round tax planning offers a proactive approach, allowing individuals to make informed choices that can lead to significant savings during tax season. Seeking […]

Estate Tax Planning: Utilizing Trusts to Minimize Tax Burden on Your Heirs

When you want to pass your assets to heirs, having an estate plan is critical; otherwise, your assets will go through probate. This could result in outcomes that you never wished for your heirs. Someone you may want to cut out of your will could receive your assets or your heirs could take on a […]

The Basics of Estate Planning: How to Protect Your Assets and Ensure Your Legacy

Something everyone aged 18 or older should have is an estate plan. You don’t have to be a millionaire to have an estate plan. If all you have is a bank account and a vehicle, your assets must go through probate if you die. All it takes is an unexpected accident or illness. A Florida […]

Estate Planning

Most people do not think about estate planning until they are in their 40s or 50s unless they have many assets. However, accidents and illnesses can happen at any age. And, you do not need millions in assets to create an estate. In fact, even if you rent your home and vehicle, you should still […]

Revocable Trusts vs. Irrevocable Living Trusts

With the many types of trusts available to help you manage your assets while you are living and after you pass, it can get confusing to know which trust best fits your circumstances. Many people have heard of living trusts. A revocable trust is another name for a living trust. In short, you can revoke […]

Why Estate Planning Matters When You’re Young

Estate planning is one of the most important things you can do for the people you love. It is, however, a task many of us dread and put off until later in life. If there is one thing we can recommend, it is to have a plan for your estate sooner than later. It is […]

Handling Your Will and Estate When Retiring

Once you retire, you might need to update your will and estate documents to reflect any changes in your life. In addition to changes because of retirement, you may have made changes to your assets, but never updated your estate documents. This is the time to review your entire estate to make changes to beneficiaries, […]

How Will My Taxes Change After A Divorce?

If you are planning on divorcing, you should look at two things before you even file a petition: taxes and your estate plan. Divorce changes how you file taxes, which could ultimately affect your estate plan. Additionally, divorce directly affects your estate plan. An estate planning attorney with a business law background will be able […]

How To Prepare For Financial Planning Month

October is not only time to start ramping up for the holiday season, but it is also financial planning month. If you do not have a financial plan, now is the time to create one. If you have a financial plan, you should look at it carefully and update it as needed. The business attorneys at France […]