11Aug, 2020
Probate and How to Avoid It
Florida probate is a lengthy process and is expensive. When you plan ahead of time, you can avoid probate in many cases. Planning ahead means […]
10Jul, 2020
Handling Your Will and Estate When Retiring
Once you retire, you might need to update your will and estate documents to reflect any changes in your life. In addition to changes because […]
9Jun, 2020
Filing Taxes Online vs. with a Tax Attorney
When you are ready to file taxes, you can file online, or you can choose to use a tax attorney. Both methods have benefits, though […]
5May, 2020
How To File An Extension For Business Taxes
Some businesses might benefit from filing their taxes later, rather than sooner. If your business taxes pass through to your personal taxes, filing later gives […]
3Apr, 2020
Filing Your Taxes As A Retired Florida Resident
Living in Florida gives you a pretty big tax advantage when you retire. In fact, the state ranks as one of the most tax-friendly states […]